
Protect Yourself From Identity Theft After Getting Your COVID-19 Vaccine

February 4, 2021

If you’ve been lucky enough to get vaccinated against COVID-19 you are likely feeling some much needed peace of mind, but a recent trend has cyber security experts concerned. The trend of posting your vaccine card on social media is very concerning for cyber security experts who worry that these postings can lead to identity theft.

We certainly understand the need to spread the word and let all of your concerned friends and family know you’ve been vaccinated, but there is some critical information on your vaccination card that is highly coveted by identity thieves;

  • Your date of birth
  • Where you received the vaccine
  • Your name
  • Date and time of your vaccination

All of this information can lead to a quick an easy theft of your identity if posted on social media. So, what can you do if you want to spread the word that you have received the vaccine? There are some options that are recommended by the AARP which include;

  • Redact the personal information from your vaccine card
  • Post a picture of yourself, without your card
  • Post a sticker that says “I got vaccinated”
  • Add a frame to your post that says you’ve been vaccinated – available here.

There is light at the end of this tunnel and it would be an absolute shame if your identity was stolen due to your exuberance over this crisis nearing an end. Protect yourself and never share personal information on social media.

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